Shu Changsheng (Brazil)

Shu Changsheng

Shu Changsheng (束長生) is Associate Professor of Chinese Language and Culture of the  Department of Oriental Literature, University of São Paulo. Graduated from FudanUniversity in 1989, he went to Brazil in 1995 to study Master Degree in Economics at the Federal University of Fluminense (UFF— Rio de Janeiro,  Brazil), and Doctorate Degree in History by the same University. He spent years doing researches and teaching lessons on “Contemporary History of China“, “History of China—Brazil Relations” and “History of Chinese Immigration to Brazil”. In 2014, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Modern Chinese Literature by the University of  São Paulo. In 2019, he was promoted to Associate Professor. 

RESEARCH INTERESTS(1) Chinese Immigration to Brazil: From 19th Century to Present Day; (2) History of China—Brazil relations; (3) Wars of China: external Conflicts as solution for the internal political impasses; (4) Orientalism and its impact on Chinese literature.


SHU SHENG. Os intelectuais chineses e o Regime Maoista, 1956-1957 (中国知识分子与权力:1956-1957). Curitiba-Brazil, Editora APPRIS, 2019.

__________. A História da China Popular no Século XX.(二十世纪中華人民共和國). Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2012. Vol. 1. 204p.



Shu Changsheng. “巴西华侨华人研究文献综述与人口统计”. 华侨华人历史研究, 20183月第 1  (Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies).

_____________. “Guerra Sino-Indiana de 1962: Os contornos de um conflito inevitável”. Revista da Escola Superior de Guerra (巴西高級戰爭學院學報), v. 29, p. 180-198, 2014.

Shu Chang-sheng. “Imigrantes e a imigração chinesa no Rio de Janeiro (1910-1990). São Paulo, Leituras da História, v. ano II, p. 44-53, 2009.

_____________. “Interações entre Mao e os Guardas Vermelhos na Revolução Cultural”. Diálogos (Maringá), ISSN 2177-2940, V. 9, N. 3, p. 137-166, 2005. DOI: 10.4025/dialogos.v9i3.135.

______________. “O movimento das Cem Flores: uma reflexão sobre a Relação entre os intelectuais chineses e o Estado”. Tempo, Depto de História, UFF, RJ, v. 15, p. 135-160, 2003.

______________. “Do Grande Salto para Frente à Grande Fome: a China de 1958-62”. Diálogos (Maringá), ISSN 1415-9945, Vol. 8, No.1, pp.107-129, Maringa, Paraná, 2004.

Book Chapters

Shu Chang-sheng. Capítulo 5, “China, o terceiro-mundismo e as Recentes Relações Brasil-China”. In: Alexander Zhebit. (eds.). Brasil-China: Construindo os BRICS. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2013, v. 1, p. 89-118.

_______________ Capítulo 29, “O Exercício do Poder na China: de Mao a Deng”. In: Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva, Ricardo Cabral e Sidnei Munhoz. (Eds.). Impérios na História. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2009, v. , p. 347-357.