The G20 from a Chinese Perspective


The G20 from a Chinese Perspective

By Adolfo Laborde 

Professor, Law and International Relations Department, Tec de Monterrey, Santa Fe Campus. Visiting researcher at the Institute of Development, Funda University, China.


The G20 (a group of the 20 largest economies of the world) met in China’s Hangzhou province. As with other summits, what was said there could have filled the reports and memoirs ready to be published and the archives of the chancellors of the respective member nations. They would be forgotten later. It seems that this time that wasn’t to be. It is the first time that China has taken over the presidency of the G20, and the legacy won’t be one of protocol, dinners, and speeches. On the contrary, China has taken advantage of the opportunity to set and propose sensitive topics that affect all the member states.