Call for proposal (Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico)


The journal Competition and Regulation in Network Industries(Sage) is launching a call for papers for a special issue on:

The other side of the Silk Road

 Chinese Investments in Latin American Infrastructures

The special issue will be published in Fall 2019. Papers should be interdisciplinary in nature, but can be written from economic, financial, international relations, legal, or political science perspectives. Papers will be evaluated and selected by small group of globally established expert professors in this area.

Deadline for abstract submission: September 30th, 2018

Conference at Lima, Peru: November 7th to 9th, 2018

Full-length article due: January 31st, 2019

Manuscript acceptance: March 31st, 2019

Guest Editors

Dr. Miguel A. Montoya B., School of Business, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico (

Dr. Daniel Lemus Delgado, School of Social Science and Government, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico (

Dr. Otto Regalado., ESAN School of Business. Peru (

Dr. Mauricio Cervantes Z., School of Business, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico (  



The consolidation of the People's Republic of China as a new world power is an indisputable fact (Shambaugh 2013, 4). At the same time, the growing presence of China around the world is evident. In Latin America, China is both an important commercial actor and a fundamental investor (CEPAL, 2015, 37-38). The interests of China in Latin America are considerable, with companies and brands that reach more and more notoriety. This phenomenon has different causes, among them, the search of the recognition and prestigious; the desire to strengthen the yuan as an international currency; the look for the preservation of the free trade as a way to guarantee the Chinese economic growth and the promotion of the economic interest of Chinese companies. This situation has three fundamental actors: the State, the companies, and the quasi-governmental organizations. These actors deploy an exact and integral strategy in the region; in consequence, at the present day, China and Latin America have established stronger economic ties (Yang 2015, 298). Now, the expansion of China in Latin America is in a new phase that involved an ambitious infrastructure investment program. This Special Issue promotes a comprehensive approach to understand the reasons, dynamics, mechanisms, and process of the Chinese investment in Latin America 

Subject Coverage

The special issue will cover the following topics, but are not limited, to:

• The expansion of the Chinese investment in Latin America in the infrastructure sector

• The effect of the regulation in this process

• The advantages of the Chinese model of financing investment versus the Traditional Western model of infrastructure financing

• The interaction between the Chinese government and local and national governments to promote the construction of infrastructure

• The institutional framework to impede or facilitate the Chinese expansion in the infrastructure sector

• The effects of the market structure in the specific context of Latin America as a consequence of the project of Chinese infrastructure

• The types of strategies and organizational forms, public and private, involved in the growth of the Chinese financing for infrastructure

• The economic, political and social impact in the Latin America countries as a consequence of the Chinese projects in infrastructure

Competition and Regulation in Network Industries ( is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that meets high academic standards. Resolutely interdisciplinary in nature, CRNI favors articles that combine economic, legal, policy and engineering approaches. We are looking for articles that link theory with practical relevance: they should make contributions to theory and methodology development, yet always building on solid empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative

Notes for Prospective Authors

All papers must be submitted through the website ( of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. When submitting the manuscript, indicate that is to be considered for the special Issue “The other side of the Silk Route: Chinese Investment in Latin American Infrastructure”.

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission should be approved by all authors.Papers will be selected through a peer-review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information are available on the Author Guidelines page.

Please submit at

Contact guest editor:

Dr. Miguel A. Montoya B. –

Important Dates

1. Deadline for abstract submission: September 30th, 2018

2. Previously to send the final version it is highly recommended to participate in Fudan Latin America University Consortium (FLAUC) Conference 2018. November 7-9, 2018, at Lima, Peru. Host Universities are Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM) & ESAN.

3. Full-length article due: January 31st, 2019

4. Manuscript acceptance: March 31st, 2019

5. Tentative publication date: Fall, 2019.


Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe. 2015. América Latina, El Caribe y China: Hacia una nueva era de cooperación económica. Santiago de Chile: CEPAL.

Das, Shaheli. 2016. “How Important Is Latin America on China’s Foreign Policy Agenda?”. The Diplomat, noviembre 16, URL:

Ecomides, Nicholas. 2006. Competition policy in network industries: an introduction. In Dennis W. Jansen. The New Economy and Beyond: Past, Present and Future. London: Edward Elgar Publisher.

Ilyásova, Margarita and Sérbinov, Iván. 2015. “China a la conquista de Latinoamérica”. RT, noviembre 21, URL:

Roldán, Adriana; Castro, Alma; Pérez, Camilo; Echavarría, Pablo & Ellis, Robert. 2016. “La presencia de China en América Latina. Comercio, Inversión y cooperación económica.” Universidad EAFIT.

Shambaugh, David. 2013. China Goes Global: The Partial Power. Oxford-Nueva York: Oxford University Press

Yang, Zhimin. 2015. “The Roles played by Three Categories of Actors in China's Engagement in Latin America to Develop Economic Ties with the Region”. Journal of Chinese Political Science. 20(3): 289-300. DOI: 10.1007/s11366-015-9363-1.

Wigell, Mikael. 2016. China’s Advance in Latin America: Geostrategic implications for Europe, the US, and the region itself. Helsinki: The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.