Minutes - First FLAUC Annual Meeting Report (2017)


First FLAUC Annual Meeting

Universidad del Rosario

November 9th, 2017

Bogotá, Colombia


The overall vision of the Consortium is to promote closer ties and understanding between Latin America and China, by means of joint research projects and educational activities. Furthermore, the Consortium seeks to promote Latin American culture in China, and the Chinese culture in Latin America.

FLAUC Council Meeting and Annual Meeting (with rotating chairing system)

Each year, the FLAUC members will have two compulsory meetings. The Secretariat Office at FDDI will be responsible for organizing Council Meeting each May. The first Council Meeting was held by Fudan University at Shanghai Forum 2017. At the meeting, the establishment of the Consortium was announced. Each November, one of the members in Latin America will take the position of chair and host an annual meeting on their campus. All the members of the Consortium will attend the meeting, concluding the accomplishment of the year, and making plans for the next. The first Annual Meeting was chaired by Universidad del Rosario, on November 9th, 2017.

Agenda of the meeting

    1. Welcome

    2. Proposals of collaboration strategies from each Member University

    3. Discussion of the proposals

    4. Preparation Annual Meeting 2018, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    5. Closing session

Attendees (in alphabetical order by country of Member Universities)

    - Patricio Conejero, Head of International Relations – Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    - Paulo Feldmann, Professor of Economics – Universidad do Sao Paulo, Brasil

    - Mariana Hase, PhD. student - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Brasil

    - Johannes Rehner, Center for Asian Studies & Professor at the Institute of Geography – Pontificia Universidad Católica       de Chile, Chile

    - Eduardo Vera, Head of International Relations – Universidad de Chile, Chile

    - Chen Zhimin, Associate Vice President – Fudan University, China

    - Zhang Yi, Executive Vice Dean of the Development Institute – Fudan University, China

    - Sheng Yan, Program Manager – Global Strategy Division – Fudan Development Institute, China

    - José Manuel Restrepo Abondano, President – Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

    - Sonia Durán, Vice President for International Affairs – Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

    - Carolyn Finck, Director of Internationalization – Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

    - Miguel A. Montoya B, Director of Incubation and Development of Centers, Business School – Instituto Tecnológico de       Educación Superior de Monterey – TEC de Monterey, México

    - Alejandro Velásquez, Academic Cooperation, International Office – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    - Otto Regalado, Director Graduate School of Business – Universidad ESAN, Peru

    - Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla, Head of International Cooperation – Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, UNMSM, Perú

    1. Welcome

President José Manuel Restrepo expressed his highest gratitude to Fudan University for the generous support given to the Consortium and to the First Fudan Latin American Forum in Universidad del Rosario; and to the rest of the Member Universities for the work done for the Forum (particularly via Calls for Papers and the publication of the book “Development and the National Middle-Income Trap: China – Latin America experiences”) and in the collaboration strategies they developed to be presented in the Meeting. He highlighted that the platform should not only support a network of professors, staff and students, but also facilitate the rapport between multiple actors (public policy makers, leaders from different sectors of society, NGO, multinational corporations, think tanks, etc.) in favor of promoting mutual understanding between China and Latin America.

In the name of Fudan University, Associate Vice President CHEN Zhimin gave thanks and congratulated Universidad del Rosario for the organization of the First FLAUC Latin American Forum and Annual Meeting as Chair for 2017, and the emphasized the importance of the Consortium as an entity with a great potential to influence the cultural and scientific relations between Latin America and China and the exchange of scientific knowledge in favor of development. He mentioned how impressing were the academics presentations of the Forum, of very high quality and with great relevant topics for China and Latin America´s development. He highlighted the strong commitment to FLAUC that he found in all Members and underlined the interest that China has in fostering this kind of research.

    2. Proposals of collaboration strategies from each Member University

Fudan University, China

Associate Vice-President, Chen Zhimin remarked the importance to use this platform to share initiatives and events, and stressed that the scope of FLAUC goes beyond the annual meetings in Shanghai and Latin America, and should foster research and publications with special issues related to FLAUCs objectives.


        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Mobility of professors and students through different programs (fellowships, visiting professor, post-doctoral positions, etc.).

    2. Leverage of research in China, given the fact that China is investing in new research funds in different languages, mostly English, which should facilitate international mobility and research.

    3. Organization of a symposium at the Shanghai Forum which will discuss Latin American topics and their relationship with China. *Open day in the Shanghai Forum.

    4. Proposal to the Shanghai Forum about the possibility of hosting a SH Forum in Latin America.

    5. Launching of the “FLAUC Collaborative Research Program” that will provide research funds for the development of FLAUC related topics, as follows:

        Initiation dates:

        - July – October, 2018: Suggestions of topics

        - November - December, 2018: Open call for applications

        - January – March, 2019: Review of applications

        - May, 2019: Presentation of selected research projects

        Subjects proposed:

        - Economic and trade investment and cooperation between China and Latin America

        - Development of Chinese enterprises

        - Development of infrastructure

        - Financial cooperation

        - How does Latin America view China

        - Status Quo and future collaboration between China in Latin America

        - Education and collaboration among think tanks

        - Introduction to the multicultural of Latin American cultures (cinema, music, salons, etc.)

Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

President José Manuel Restrepo highlighted the need to identify during the Meeting clear initial cooperation strategies and concrete actions that will give the Consortium the strength as an academic platform for exchanging best practices for research, teaching and service to society.


        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Building a working team among different Member Universities about Sustainable Development and Economic Growth - Lessons from China and Latin America.

    2. Creation of a FLAUC repository of research profiles of professors and presentations or lectures that they want to share among the academic community. *UNICAMP proposed an online platform to create this idea of repositories for the whole network.

    3. Connecting FLAUC’s 13 repositories of research production, including the development/acquisition of an IT tool; *ISTEC (Ibero-American Science and Technology

    Education Consortium) could be an example. This would also allow for capacity building amongst the administrative community of the universities.

    4. Publication of a report or a journal of articles and memories of the First FLAUC Latin America Forum.

    5. Development of a MOOC to promote teaching and internationalization among the Member Universities.

    6. Creation of a summer school with some FLAUC universities that will foster professor and student mobility among FLAUC.

    7. Capacity building and institutional learning among FLAUC Universities, sharing similar ideas that are in progress in Latin America, where academic and administrative staff of the universities could share best practices, and engage in different ways of cooperation.

    8. Funding student and professor mobility for research for FLAUC.

Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

Carolyn Fink, Director of Internationalization of Universidad de los Andes, highlighted the School of Economics’ eagerness to continue working with Universidad del Rosario, and vice-versa, as a very positive aspect for fostering more academic collaboration between Colombian universities, that is very much needed.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Engaging more academics onto doing more research and publish on FLAUC’s interests/subjects.

    2. Incorporating some particular research subjects that have special importance for China and Latin America’s development such as tourism, trade, agriculture and natural resources; this last one, in particular should be a central aspect, considering the lack of informed discussion about the topic.

    3. Confucius Institute of Universidad de los Andes commitment to promote even more the interest in Mandarin and other subjects related to Chinese culture, particularly among scholars.

    4. Confucius Institute of Universidad de los Andes interest in strengthening the relationship with other Confucius Institutes in Latin America, in order to bring about relevant actors and influencers for promoting Chinese culture.

    5. Development of a Summer School course with Universidad del Rosario


Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Patricio Conejero, Head of International Relations of Universidad de Buenos Aires, mentioned the importance to leverage South-South cooperation between China and Latin America through research that he underlined as crucial in the FLAUC initiatives to follow.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Incorporating research subjects related to Commerce between China and Latin America, and migration and demography, particularly for understanding the phenomena of migration from China to Argentina.

    2. Giving more importance to teaching Chinese language and culture in Latin America – He offered the Confucius Center of the UBA to promote this among FLAUC members.

    3. Promotion of mobility through short mobility programs that are costumed-made.

Universidad do Sao Paulo, Brasil

Pr. Paulo Feldmann, emphasized the importance of the integration between China in Latin America and therefore he highlighted the relevance of having constituted the Consortium itself; integrating 12 of the most important Latin-American universities. He mentioned that our universities have very much been historically influenced by the universities of the United States, so it is important to leverage a new moment of a counter balance with the influence of China.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Staring with feasible targets to ensure that they are implemented.

    2. Encourage PhD. Students to spend 2/3 months doing research at Fudan University in order to finish their thesis with a Chinese sub/advisor.

    3. Encourage co – tutelle between FLAUC members.

    4. Fostering student and professor mobility.

    5. Establishing a journal to publish FLAUC’s articles and possibly PhD dissertations.

Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Brasil

Mariana Hase, PhD. Student of UNICAMP, was designated to represent UNICAMP at the Meeting to present the University proposals. She was selected for presenting her paper at an academic panel of the Forum, and expressed her gratitude to FLAUC and particularly to Universidad del Rosario and Universidad de los Andes, for having allowed the authors of the best papers selected to travel to Colombia to present their work, with all costs covered.


        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Official acceptance of UNICAMP to create and manage the IT tool for the repository of documents that Universidad del Rosario recalled.

    2. Generate research internship opportunities with the Universities within FLAUC.

    3. Develop cooperative seminars among the universities: study groups and attend other seminars among.

    4. Foster professors exchanges and co-tutelles

    5. Collaborative research: encourage the publication of co-authored articles and books.

Universidad de Chile

Eduardo Vera, Head of International Relations, mentioned that the main potential of FLAUC relies on identifying research areas with strong impact in both Latin America and China, in order to promote a South-South interaction. He insisted in the importance of a mutual deeper understanding of cultures between Latin America and China, and expressed that FLAUC represents a unique opportunity to consolidate ties in the region in the long term.


         Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Short-term programs in summer sessions.

    2. Identifying subjects of common interest to China and Latin America such as: Food, aging, natural disasters, agro-science and sustainable development, among others subjects that should be studied in an interdisciplinary way.

    3. In the coming years: only one yearly meeting focusing on specific subjects.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Pr. Johannes Rhenes, underlined the importance of strengthening collaborative research and joint publications, fostering interdisciplinary approaches. He congratulated the effort made by TEC de Monterey to publish the first FLAUC book. He presented the Center for Asian Studies of the PUC Chile that is focused on transpacific relations, and he mentioned the importance of nurturing the relationship within Confucius Institutes, in order to bring about relevant actors and influencers

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Invitation of 2 researchers from University of Fudan, from the Institute of Development (1 week of intensive work).

    2. Joint research in China: Call for 10 students and 5 professors to go to China.

    3. Joint research at post doc level, in Santiago: hosting Chinese and Latin American FLAUC scholars.

    4. Strengthening research network and mobility trough the Confucius Institute, supporting research academic activities beyond teaching of mandarin.

    5. Proposal of hosting the 3rd FLAUC Conference in Latin America (2019) in Santiago, Chile, considering the APEC meeting in the same venue during that year.

TEC de Monterey, México

Miguel A. Montoya B, Director of Incubation and Development of Centers, Business School, expressed his satisfaction with the level of commitment of the FLAUC Members that foretells a successful long term collaboration.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Mobility projects: A selection committee will favor projects that involve international mobility, although other worthy in-country projects will also be considered, under the following:

    - Work space availability for the FLAUC consortium at TEC de Monterrey campus

    - Library access

    - Laboratory access

    - Availability of visiting professor to eventually teach courses; in which case TEC de Monterrey would pay fees according the politics of the University.

    2. Promote mobility of students and professors of TEC de Monterey, to and from Fudan University.

    3. FLAUC’s participation at the Council for Asia Pacific Research Groups Accreditation. Faculty might be part of accreditation bodies to promote institutional collaboration for accrediting Latin American research centers on studies in Asia Pacific. FLAUC can contribute to the socialization of best practices and the rise of the academic quality of the centers. Next year a select group of professors of FLAUC might design the conceptual approach and methodologies to evaluate research centers.

    4. Develop a special issue for a Scopus Journal

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, México

Alejandro Velásquez mentioned the importance of drawing a baseline of the initial stage of the Consortium with a future vision of where to go, and the respective indicators.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Deep cultural understanding and mutual respect of identity among partners as the main social asset of the Consortium.

    2. Establishing clear scientific synergies on common subjects.

    3. Fostering the development of double degrees.

ESAN Business School, Perú

Otto Regalado, Director of the Graduate School of Business, emphasized the importance of selecting particular research topics to focus on for academic collaboration, for instance: population and health.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Invitation of professors and students to the International Week at ESAN (January and July)

    2. Encourage mobility through short tailored-made programs

    3. Building a shared platform of communication.

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, UNMSM, Perú

Juan Diego Zamudio, Head of International Cooperation National University of San Marcos, expressed his gratitude and congratulated the organization of the First FLAUC Latin American Forum and presented the proposal for 2018 FLAUC Latin American Forum - Annual Meeting in Lima, Peru.

        Proposals for collaboration:

    1. Signing of framework agreements within the Consortium, as the basis for specific agreements (exchange of students, administrative staff and professors.

    2. Creation of the communication channels for the network (FLAUC page in LinkedIn and WeChat, among others)

    3. Invitation to a professor from Fudan University

    4. Teaching a course in Peru, on Ecology

    5. Doctorates Honoris Causa for a Chinese Nobel Prize Winner

    6. Writing of a book in cooperation between China and Latin America

    7. Writing a book about the impact of Chinese migration on Peruvian culture

    8. FLAUC Latin American Forum - Annual Meeting, Lima – Peru, 2018 (more detail in point 4)

3. Discussion of the proposals

Sonia Durán, Vice President for International Affairs of Universidad del Rosario, encouraged FLAUC Members to take responsibility for the proposals presented during the meeting, so that concrete results could be seen in 2018. She also highlighted the fact that FLAUC should go beyond an academic network, and work as a platform to influence relevant private sector and public policy actors, nationally and internationally, in order to give institutional strength to the Consortium and ensure its sustainability in the long run.

As an example of the relevance that FLAUC should have in the Latin American Region she mentioned the importance of the Shanghai Forum, hosted by Fudan University; and as a small but significant evidence of the possible benefits that might be leveraged, she noted the key support that was given to the Forum in Universidad del Rosario by the Instituto Colombiano de Crédito Educativo y Estudios Técnicos en el Exterior, ICETEX, that financed the trips to Colombia of all the authors of the selected papers for the Forum academic panels.

In this sense, Zhang Yi, Executive Vice Dean of the Fudan Development Institute, proposed that the Shanghai Forum could develop a chapter in Latin America, and she committed to explore this possibility with the corresponding executive leaders. She suggested that, among others, this could be a useful way to facilitate the attraction of private funding to the Consortium.

Also, as an example of FLAUC’s potential to contribute to development through assisting or influencing public agencies, she presented the stock market forecasting tool that the Fudan Development Institute produced to advise Copenhagen’s Government; the tool could serve Latin American Governments as well.

To conclude, she invited to take into consideration the possibility of developing a PhD program about China to strengthen mutual understanding.

4. Preparation Annual Meeting 2018, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, UNMSM

Dates: November 7, 8 and 9th

Place: Casona de San Marcos, Lima – Peru

Chair: Rector of UNMSM

        Draft agenda:

        - Visits to the city on November 9 and 10th

        - Meeting with the APEC High Level Council

        - Proposal to include government and productive sector presentations, not only academic debates.

        - Peruvian food tasting

        - Press release in networks and web pages. Dissemination of information with public authorities, Chinese companies, Peruvian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese community in Peru, among others

5. Closing session

President Jose Manuel Restrepo invited to put into action the proposals that were presented; specially taking into consideration the advantage that FLAUC already has by means of the stakeholders and partners already involved, the communication and dissemination channels that were developed, the IT tools that Members already have implemented for supporting research, among others.

He celebrated the fact that, as a sub-product of the integration of China and Latin America through the Consortium, a greater “intra”-Region collaboration has been fostered, and he mentioned that the opening of FLAUC to other members in the Region could be considered in the future.

Associate Vice President Chen Zhimin reinforced the importance of incorporating business and public sector partners for ensuring the sustainability of the Consortium, and recommended to each Member to come up with their action plan with concrete results for 2018. He finalized by expressing Fudan University’s commitment to FLAUC and by wishing the best to FLAUC in the years to come