Minutes - FLAUC Council Meeting Report (2018)


2nd FLAUC Council Meeting

13:30 pm - 17:00 pm, May 28th, 2018

Fudan University

Shanghai, China



The FLAUC Council Meeting 2018 is generally based on the reports of each member universities about their achievements during the past working year, and the new initiatives of the next working year.


Attendees (in alphabetical order by country of Member Universities):

Member universities:

Brazil - Rafael Días, Advisor of the International Office, University of Campinas

Chile - Manuel Agosín, Dean of School of Economics and Business, University of Chile

Chile - Johannes Rehner, Director of Center for Asian Studies, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

China – CHEN Zhimin, Vice President, Fudan University

China - ZHANG Yi, Executive Vice Dean, Fudan Development Institute, Fudan University

China- PENG Xizhe, Vice Dean, Fudan Development Institute, Fudan University

China – LIU Li, Director of International Students Office, Fudan University

China – TANG Wenqing, Vice Director of Foreign Affairs Office, Fudan University

China – LIU Chunrong, Executive Vice Director of Fudan – European Center for China Studies, Fudan University

China – XU Xian, Executive Vice Director of Fudan – UC Center on Contemporary China, Fudan University

China – AI Jing, Vice Director of Multilingual Center, Fudan University

China – CHEN Hao, Associated Professor of Multilingual Center, Fudan University

Colombia - Sonia Durán, Vice President for International Affairs, Del Rosario University

Colombia - Arlene Tickner, Professor of Political Science, Government and International Relations, Del Rosario University

Colombia - Carlos Patarroyo, Dean of School of Human Sciences, Del Rosario University

Colombia - Valerie Gauthier Umaña, Director of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Del Rosario University

Colombia - Jorge Andrés Zambrano Riveros, Associate Professor of School of Economics, University of Los Andes

Mexico - Mauricio Cervantes Zepeda, Director of Asian Pacific Center, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education

Mexico - Miguel Angel Montoya Bayardo,Director of Incubation and Development Centers, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education

Mexico - Gabriel Morelos Borja,Regional Dean, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education

Mexico - Federico Fernández, Director of general cooperation and internationalization, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Mexico - Edmundo Borja Navarro, Coordination of Relations and Management UNAM-CHINA, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Peru - Felipe Antonio San Martín Howard, Vice President for research and postgraduate, National University of San Marcos

Peru - Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla, Director of international cooperation office,

Professor of School of Economics, National University of San Marcos


Other participants:

Costa Rica - Silvia Cortés, Research Collaborator at the International Politics Observatory, University of Costa Rica


Consulate General of Argentina in Shanghai - Victoria Armayor, Consul

Consulate General of Argentina in Shanghai – Patricia Cao, Assistant

Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai –Juliana Gaspar Ruas, Consul for Cultural and Educational Cooperation

Consulate General of Colombia in Shanghai - Camila Gómez Hormaza, Deputy Consul General

Consulate General of Cuba in Shanghai - Néstor Torres, Consul General

Consulate General of Mexico in Shanghai - Lorena Larios Rodríguez, Consul General

Consulate General of New Zealand in Shanghai - Tom Barker, Deputy Consul General

Consulate General of New Zealand in Shanghai - Maggie Shen, Assistant

Consulate General of Peru in Shanghai - Zósimo Roberto Morillo Herrada, Consul General

FLAUC Membership Achievements 2017 & Initiatives 2018:


Fudan University, China

Speaker: QIAN Siyun

Director of Global Strategy Division of Fudan Development Institute (FDDI)


1.Meetings on potential cooperation

2.Academic research & teaching:

(1)Joint course, 2 guest professors from Del Rosario University for this semester, teaching “Latin American Economy” course in the Department of Spanish Language & Literature of Fudan University.

(2)Global Young Scholar Forum, in which 20 papers from Latin American countries are presented.

3.Publication of conference (EN & CN)

Book CHINA AND LATIN AMERICA: Paths to Overcoming the Middle-Income trap, co-edited by FDDI and professors of Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. We are about to publish the English version, and we are working on the Chinese version.

4.Online platform of FLAUC already built up.

5.Cultural activities: Latin American films screening

(1) Argentine film: Un tango más (22 December, 2017).

(2) Mexican film: Distancias cortas (17 April, 2018).

6. Physical space for FLAUC: Room 210, Think Tank Building, Fudan University.



1.Visiting scholar program: we would like to accept more scholars from our member universities, offering places for at least 1 person / university. The scholars should be aged no more than 55 years old, doing research on social sciences.

2.Joint research: we’d be glad to open several joint research programs, in order to work out some significant topics and enhance the relationship between the member universities. Now we are working on the application of the “seed fund”, which could sponsor the joint research program.

3.Call for paper: we are willing to offer more opportunities for FLAUC & Latin American scholars regarding different kinds of call for papers.

4.We are going to celebrate more cultural activities, as follows:

(1)Literary Salon

(2)Latin American (Chinese) Film Festival

(3)Open day (Education Fair)



Del Rosario University, Colombia (2017 Rotating Chair)

Speaker: Sonia Durán

Vice President for International Affairs


1.Cooperation founded in Asian countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore.

2.Scientific production repository ( with a bright prospect, aiming to enhance the knowledge between China and Latin America, where we can search research articles by author, title, etc., and get the full text.



1.Visiting, teaching and research fellowships, such as send professor of Rosario to Fudan to give lectures.

2.Participate in the next Shanghai Forum Panels and Roundtables.



University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

The professors of University of Buenos Aires haven’t been able to attend the Meeting due to their tight schedule. Therefore, SHENG Yan, colleague of FDDI, has presented the works of UBA as their representatives.



1.UBA will keep cooperating with the Confucius Institute at the University of Buenos Aires.

2.UBA already has a developed cooperating system with Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) and other Chinese universities.



1.Student exchange: mainly focuses on language courses.

2.Faculty exchange: seminars, lectures, courses.

3.Joint research: especially for PhD students.

4.China Forum: by the end of November 2018, during G20.



University of Campinas, Brazil

Speaker: Rafael Días

Advisor of the International Office



1.Unicamp is working on its internationalization policy for the next years and has selected Fudan University as one of its strategic partners.

2.Unicamp is fostering two initiatives, seeking to strengthen collaborative research for Brazil-China and Latin American studies.

3.Unicamp is working closely with its Confucius Institute unit to further develop linguistic skills among students, academic and non-academic staff.


1.Working on creating a module with researcher profiles for the FLAUC repository. A searchable database that will allow Latin American and Chinese researchers to connect, share ideas and build on their collaborations. Unicamp will keep in touch and work on this module over the next coming months.

2.Sharing information on funding opportunities among members;

Sharing information on academic events on China held by consortium members.

3.Working on effectively implementing student mobility (especially graduate students).

4.Developing co-tutorship and dual degree schemes (a joint short course may serve as a pilot).

5.Increasing mobility between Unicamp and Fudan academic staff (Prof. Zhang Ping from the School of International Relations and Public Affairs will visit Unicamp in June 2018).

6.Creating a visiting professor scholarship for Fudan staff members.

7.Creating opportunities for innovation by increasing connections with the private sector.

8.Working towards developing policy-oriented material on themes such as economic and social development, international commerce, innovation, sustainability, migration, urban planning, arts and culture.



University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


Paulo Roberto Feldmann, professor of School of Economics, Business and Accounting of University of Sao Paulo, hasn’t been able to attend the Meeting, so please find below the conclusion of the works of USP that prof. Feldmann sent us:


1.USP is stimulating PHD students to dedicate their thesis to themes related to China and especially analyzing where the possibilities of the information interchange between Brazil and China are.

2.USP has at least 3 PhD students in Business and Economics that are interested in going to China to complete their thesis.

3.Fudan is considered the most important strategic partner for USP in terms of its internationalization program.



1.USP intends to have at least one professor of Fudan as visiting professor at USP during the 2nd semester of 2019.

2.USP intends to foster collaboration with Fudan in the area of climate change and, if possible, to send one PhD student to do research in this area in the second semester of 2018.

3.USP intends to create in 2019 the USP Chair of China who will be dedicated to researches and projects related to the development of China.





Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile

Speaker: Johannes Rehner

Director of Center for Asian Studies



1.Pontificia Universidad Católica is host of a very successful Confucius Institute.

2.Cooperation with several Universities in China.

3.Collaborating with Fudan University in Universitas 21.

4.Students and professors of UC can apply for a Banco Santander Scholarship for China specifically designed to foster the University´s link to China, financing 10 students and 5 professors per year.



1.UC is particularly interested in FLAUC due to its capacity to foster collaboration in research.

(1)An important step is providing information about research activities and interests of members to permit direct contact between researchers: the REPOSITORY provided by Rosario University is an important tool in this sense.

(2)We believe that now, the challenge is to step towards identifying specific topics and put together concrete collaboration between researchers

2.Examples of current research on topics related to China in which we are interested to cooperate (as a first step, many others can follow as we are a comprehensive university):

(1)Changing world order and hegemony.

(2)Trade and investment between China and Chile / Latin America


(4)(Multilateral) financial institutions

(5)Intercultural communication

3.Examples of Centers and Schools at Fudan University, particularly Fudan Development Institute, with which we can imagine interesting cooperation in the field of research:

(1) School of International Relations and Public Affairs

(2) Financial Research Center (at FDDI)

(3) Institute of World Economy

(4) Center for China’s Relation with Neighboring Countries

(5) Center for Studies on BRICS (at FDDI)

(6) European Center for China Studies

(7) Fudan UC Center for Contemporary China

4.Invitation: We still have the possibility to invite during this year two researchers for a short term visit (one week) to Universidad Católica for a workshop to start working together on a specific research topic.

5.Intention to apply for the Fudan Development Institute Visiting Scholarship

6.FLAUC Annual Meeting 2019 in Santiago (FIRST DRAFT)

We are planning to send an early call for paper by the end of 2018 (after the FLAUC meeting in Lima) in order to give you the opportunity to put together coordinated sessions in collaboration and to plan your trips and obtain financial support from your respective universities.

Date: mid October 2019 (3 days)

Host: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile & Universidad de Chile


(1)Academic Sessions (examples of topics)

a)Transpacific Relations and Integration

(Trade, Investment, Financial Institutions, APEC, Alianza del Pacifico)

b)Development Models and Challenges

(Success of different development models, middle income trap, Sustainable Development, labor markets)

c)New World Order, Peace, Global Governance

(Hegemonic power, regional integration process, multilaterlism)

d)Natural Risk & Global Environmental Change

(Climate Change, Extreme weather events, Earthquakes and Tsunami)

e)Intercultural Communication and perceptions of the “other”

(2)Young Researchers Sessions

Involve former and current exchange students, PhD students and Postdoc

(3) Outreach / Side Event: “Doing Business with China”

a) Praxis experience, some academic input

b) Target group: business, diplomacy and policy



University of Chile, Chile

Speaker: Manuel Agosín

Dean of School of Economics and Business



1.Uchile has begun an undergraduate exchange program with two major Chinese business schools, School of Management at Fudan University and Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, funded by the Luksic Foundation. In August, five students of the Faculty of Economics and Business will start a semester-long stay at Fudan University, and another five students in Guanghua School of Management at Pekin University.

2.Uchile is exploring other avenues of cooperation, including the launching of dual degree Masters Programs. In November University of Chile will receive a group of 25 Chinese Executive MBA students from Guanghua, who will spend one week on a study tour at the Faculty of Economics and Business, which will consist not only of lectures but also of visits to high government officials and private business leaders.



1.Strengthen the academic ties between University of Chile, Fudan University, and other top Chinese universities. The FLAUC Secretariat could play an active role by providing, perhaps via a periodic newsletter, information on the availability of joint research projects, visiting professorships in both directions, and other opportunities for getting to know each other better.

2.The FLAUC 2019 Annual Meeting in Santiago will be hosted together by University of Chile and Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In addition, in November 2019, Chile will host the biannual APEC meeting at the highest political level. Uchile hope to link both of these meetings and expect that as hosts they will be proposing four to six topics for panel discussions, a call for papers will be sent out immediately after the Lima meeting this coming November.

University of Los Andes, Colombia

Speaker: Jorge Andrés Zambrano Riveros

Associate Professor of School of Economics



1.Department of Economics of University of los Andes created a post-doctoral position similar to the Visiting Scholar Program in FDDI. Uniandes encourage members of FLAUC to consider this possibility of exchange. Although it is an open position, Uniandes are willing to give extra points for candidates coming from FLAUC universities. For further information please check:                https://economia.uniandes.edu.co/facultad/destacados/task=item.listevents&view=item&layout=detailevents&evento=593&Research-Position-in-Environmental-and-Resource-Economics



1.Prof. Jorge himself is willing to apply for the Visiting Scholar Program in FDDI.

2.Planning to introduce FLAUC and Fudan to the students of Uniandes, encouraging the student mobility between the two universities.

3.Doing summer courses in order to maintain the consortium.



Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education,


Speaker: Miguel Angel Montoya Bayardo

Director of Incubation and Development Centers



1.Academic Seminar at FLAUC, Bogota, about “Development and China National Middle Income Trap: China Latin America experiences”, more than 15 papers/presentation presented.

2.Book about to release: China and Latin America: Paths to Overcoming the middle Income Trap, which contains 13 chapters, researches from seven different countries, co-edited by prof. Lemus, Cervantes and Montoya, together with FDDI.

3.Fudan Researcher Exchange: Dra. Wang Xueting from Fudan University at Tec de Monterrey.




1.Call for papers: “The other side of the Silk Road” Chinese Investments in Latin American Infrastructures”.

For further information please check:


2.Dr. Daniel Lemus from Tec de Monterrey will stay for a sabbatical semester at Fudan University as a visiting scholar.



National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Speaker: Federico Fernández

Director of General Cooperation and Internationalization




1.Previous collaboration of 31 agreements with china and Taiwan institutions, 21 in process, through which UNAM students and scholars going abroad for study or research, and foreign students and scholars coming to UNAM.

2.Joint scientific publications



1.Strengthen the centers for studies China – Mexico, release more publications.

2.Study abroad program, summer program on Latin American Studies.

3.Collaboration and receiving students through the Center for Spanish, which was founded in 1921, providing subjects related to Mexican art, history and literature, aiming to develop specific abilities, such as oral expression, grammar, reading, comprehension, etc.


National University of San Marcos, Peru (2018 Rotating Chair)

Speaker: Felipe Antonio San Martín Howard

Vice President for Research and Postgraduate

Speaker: Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla

Director of International Cooperation Office



1.“Seeds for the future” Huawei: The program seeks to develop local ICT talent, enhance knowledge transfer, promote a greater understanding of and interest in the telecommunications sector, and improve and encourage regional building and participation in the digital community. This year, three students of Systems and Informatics Engineering Faculty win in this program and are now doing an internship at the headquarters of Huawei – China.

2.Peruvian Network of Flagship Universities for Internationalization, which is a platform for cooperation between the twelve older public universities in Peru. The network will contribute to the construction of long-term cooperation about academic conferences, faculty exchanges, research cooperation, best practices, international programs that create value in the society.

3.San Marcos International Fair: Event realized in the San Marcos University Anniversary.  The Cooperation Office organized an international fair about information of undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities for studies abroad. This year, in the second version, UNMSM had a special guest, UNAM. This action was a very good opportunity for exchange information and experiences about internationalization.



1.Research projects in course of San Marcos University for formulation of thesis and research programs between UNMSM and others universities of FLAUC.

Lines of investigation:

- Nano magnetism and new metal alloys

- Thin films and low dimensionality systems

- Functionalized complex systems

- Water remediation and nanotechnology

- Mining tailings and nanotechnology

2.Signing specific agreements between FLAUC members, in the following lines of cooperation:

- New materials lab.

- Population and health research with the Faculties of Health area and UNMSM Center of Excellence.

- Exchange undergraduate and graduate students.

- Exchange researchers and teachers.

- Analysis of antivenins and exploration of new alternatives for their production.

- Study of active principles of poisons with biological implications, including the identification of the gene of said principle, its expression and the production of the respective recombinant protein.

3.Create immediate communication networks to share good practices, like a FLAUC page on LinkedIn.

Elaboration of the website of FLAUC 2018, Lima Peru- in Spanish and English (to be presented by mid-July)

4.Receive Chinese professor to give classes for a semester in 2019, mainly in the following fields:

- Ecology and environment.

- Energy and renewable resources.

- Patents.

5.Second FLAUC Annual Meeting (Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 of November)

There have been a number of meetings of coordination between UNMSM and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru concerning the logistics of the meeting of November 2018.

San Marcos has appointed a Commision to secure the organization of the FLAUC meeting in Lima. Coordinator and focal point of the Commission is Dr. Juan Diego Zamudio (coperatec.ogcri@unmsm.edu.pe, +511 988346551)

(1)Topics day 1:

Education: role of universities in Latin America and in China.

Climate change and sustainable development: challenges in the 21 century.

How academy can play a major role in policy making.

(2)Activities day 2 (in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ESAN University):

a.Workshops (papers on the subjects can be presented until October):

Green governance

Gender studies

Fight against corruption

b.City tour

College of Foreign Languages and Literature; Multilingual Center,

Fudan University, China

Speaker: AI Jing

Vice director of Multilingual Center

Speaker: CHEN Hao

Associated professor of Multilingual Center


Prof. CHEN Hao has presented us the future collaboration opportunities between the Multilingual Center and the Latin American universities.

Last year, the Department of Spanish Language and Literature was founded in Fudan University. Till now, there are 48 graduate students major in Spanish, and 120 students from different faculties studying Spanish and Portuguese courses, which, apparently, are the most popular courses in the College of Foreign Languages and Literature of Fudan University.



1. Invite Latin American scholars who do researches in linguistics, language education, and cross-cultural communication to the Multilingual Center, exchanging researches and ideas with the multilingual acquisition researchers of Fudan.

2. Members of the Multilingual Center and faculties of different languages go to visit the Latin American universities.

3. Release joint courses about language, culture and cross-cultural communication, assigning students who study Spanish and Portuguese courses to Latin American countries for furthering studies, such as summer schools.

4. Send students to Latin American countries for long-term studies, learning language and other related courses.