FLAUC FELLOW SEMINAR(2): Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality in Brazil



Global Think Tank Center ·FLAUC Academic Activities


FDDI Seed Fund · FLAUC Fellow Seminar (2)


Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality in Brazil

主持人 Chair

张平Dr. Zhang Ping


Associate Professor, School of International Relations & Public Affairs, Fudan University



Ricardo Carvalho Gonçalves



PhD candidate, University of Campinas (Brazil)

Associate researcher, CECON (IE / UNICAMP)


20196 314:00 14:00PM, June 3rd, 2019


地点 Venue

复旦大学智库楼203  Room 203, Think Tank Building, Fudan University



复旦发展研究院Fudan Development Institute

复旦发展研究院金砖国家研究中心Center for BRICS Studies, Fudan Development Institute



The seminar will present an overview of the Fiscal Policy in Brazil from 1999 until 2017, pointing out how the arrangement of taxes and expenses can restrict the development of a more equally distributed society in terms of wealth.

First, it will be discussed the Fiscal Regime of Primary Target, which was established after the macroeconomic reform of 1998 and shaped the way State manages its budget. It can be observed that the recipes and expenses vary in the same direction as the economic growth, resulting in a pro-cyclical fiscal policy.

It is also necessary to highlight the Fiscal Reform of 2016, which imposes a budgetary ceiling in which the expenditures should grow only by the inflation rate at least for the next 10 years, counting from 2016.  Afterwards it will be presented some specific issues of the impact of the Tax Structure and Public Expenditures on the distribution of income.